Trumpler 14 and the Keyhole Nebula


Previous versions of the above image won the Deep Sky section of the CWAS David Malin awards in 2016

and gained the NASA "Astronomy Picture of the Day" (APOD) on May 27th 2016.

The image above has been reprocessed with insights based on Dr David Malin's critique on the awards night.

It now shows the hot blue stars of Trumpler 14 (and others within the nebula) with improved fidelity, along

with reduced processing artifacts (that were unintentional) seen in earlier iterations.

I hope you enjoy the view!


Equipment set-up

Alluna Optics RC16 with FFC

Alluna Optics


SBIG STX16803 and FW5


Baader Planetarium

Baader HaLRGB filters


Takahashi Collimating telescope

Software Bisque

Paramount PMEII

Approx 4 hours of Ha RGB. Processing with MaxIm CCD, Pixinsight, Photoshop CS6

Author and Copyright, Peter J Ward 2016

Can you see all 26 grey scales above?